Monday, December 18, 2006

How To Make This Your Best Year Ever

Far too many of us have become "life potatoes", sitting on the couch watching passively as our life goes by.

Waiting for happiness, peace of mind, love and satisfaction to come along without any effort on your part hasn’t worked up to now, has it? Instead, you can change your life through two simple strategies: You can redefine the way you feel about failure, and you can break your goals down into smaller parts.

We give too much power to failure. If you have the courage to keep trying no matter what, you'll discover that failure is neither fatal nor final. By changing your mindset, you can “fail” your way to the things you've always wanted.

Seeing your failures differently

Try seeing failure not as a result but as a step in a process. Look at it this way. A salesman makes calls on prospects and is met with rejection every time. But this is a smart salesman. He remembers the excuse every person gave him about why they wouldn't buy his product. He develops a logical, factual answer to each of those excuses. He's using those "failures" as steps to building a bullet-proof presentation. After a week or two, he's heard all the possible excuses, and he has an indisputable response for every one.

Now when a prospect gives an excuse, our salesman politely counters it with an irrefutable response. He makes a sale. He continues to analyze and refine the sales process. Because he was able to remain objective, he turned his failures from setbacks into lessons that led him to his goal.

Life is trial and error, too, but few of us are dispassionate enough to learn from our errors. Instead, we react emotionally, forgetting that each wrong step still takes us closer to our goal.

By doing something as simple as developing a thicker skin and learning from your failures, you can make tremendous strides forward. Each time you stumble, you're just eliminating another unworkable approach. When you rule out all the wrong answers, you'll eventually hit on the right one.

Success, one brick at a time

Now we go from our salesman example to that of a bricklayer. The tallest skyscrapers in the world are put up one brick at a time. The bricklayer doesn’t try to put up all the bricks at once, nor does he become discouraged because each brick is so small in relation to the size of the building. He knows that the bricks add up, first one story, then another.

In the same way, you can break your goals down into smaller sub-goals, like the stories in that building. As you accomplish small goals, you’ll get the confidence to continue, and, using your new outlook on failures as merely lessons, you’ll learn what not to do, and little by little, you’ll build upon your successes.

Don’t become discouraged because progress is slow. As long as you stay with it, you are making progress. Meeting minor goals will give you the incentive to move toward major ones.

Taken together and applied consistently, these two strategies form an unbeatable combination. Don’t be a life potato this year. Do, learn, adjust, then keep building on your successes. You’ll be amazed at the good things you can make happen.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Protecting Ourselves With The Home Security Surveillance Camera

Camera surveillance has become the mark of a generation. Everywhere we go – little do we know – we are within the sight of one or more cameras. And now, more than ever, homeowners are using the home security surveillance camera to protect their properties and their families. The home security surveillance camera scan be an enormously useful tool in keeping your home safe. And there are many ways in which to put it to good use.
As a first line of defense, homeowners can place a home security surveillance camera in strategic locations around the exterior of their property. Generally any entrances – front and back – of the property should be covered by a home security surveillance camera. Other cameras can be used to track suspicious movement on any open land surrounding the home.
Steps must be taken to protect the outdoor home security surveillance camera from the elements. If you are using a home security company then they will take these considerations into mind. If you are setting up the cameras yourself then you should extensively research the materials that should be used to install the cameras with an eye to the weather.
The indoor home security surveillance camera can be placed throughout the home in whatever capacity makes the most sense to you. Obviously a camera placed at each of the doors that will keep entrances to your home in view will make the most sense for maximizing the efficiency of the home security surveillance camera.
The advantages of the home security surveillance camera extend beyond prevention and into documentation. Should the need ever arise to have footage on record of any crimes within your home you will have such evidence readily available.
The home security surveillance camera can be a phenomenal tool in protecting your home and keeping those you love safe within its walls. By Michelle Bery

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Me in Africa

Soooooo , what do you think ??? Africa is a beatifull place on the World !!!

Monday, November 27, 2006

When You thing that You're Alone !!

Alone.....why do you think that you're Alone ???

And when You need Exercise !!!

And Life is go on .......

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